Wednesday 7 August 2013

Valerian +78 days

Almost mid august now, so only a few weeks left in that wonderful pod#3 that is mine at the top of Aberystwyth Art Center.

My days are now busy with preparing the open day for the 22nd august when, each of the three artists in residence will present its works.

Here is a short presentation of the main project I have been working on here during the last week.

Eigion/Le rivage is a photographic installation reflecting on the absence of purpose and emptiness. In a king size concertina book, with pages a meter long, I display the multiple variations of the ocean horizon line at dusk. Taken with a digital pinhole camera, the long exposures of up to 8 minutes are inspired by japanese archery, Kyudo, where the arrow has to be shot without intention.
Pictures of Aberystwyth sea front strollers looking at the sea surround the book. As much as they give a sense of community, these images also bear witness to the last landscape we take the time to stare at without any expectation.

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